Wednesday, January 16, 2013

It's been a while........

It's been a really busy year, 2012. I think the most change in my life ever. This was the year the music stopped. "At Lutterbein Lumber you can do it all." Yes, on March 1, 2012 Lutterbein Lumber no longer existed. A month later we sold our truss business as well. We had things pretty well buttoned up by June and I worked (and am still working) part time taking care of loose ends, rental properties and attempting to sell remaining properties.

I'm a little bored, but can't decide what I want to do. I always thought I'd like to sell cars, so I got a job at Bryan Ford and tried that for five weeks. That was about the most boring job I've ever had, so I quit in early December. It was also 50 hours with two evenings and Saturday hours.

Last summer I registered as a substitute teacher and have done a few days of that, but that just terrifies me. I don't know why, but it does. I guess it is because I was such a poor student and I assume half of the kids are way smarter than me. I don't want to come across looking like an idiot.

So now I'm doing things around the house in my spare time. Laundry, floors, the dishes and some cooking; all while Diana gets up and goes to work. I like helping, but feel funny saying good bye to her in the morning as she leaves.

One of these days, I'll have to get a real job again. In June when Diana retires, we'll have to start paying a lot more for health insurance. If not for the health insurance cost we could probably live nicely on her retirement especially when my social security starts in a few years.

So I'm looking for a part time job of twenty to thirty hours a week. If you have any ideas, please let me know.

We are doing well and love to here from our kids and grandsons. FaceTime is a wonderful thing as we can actually see the grandsons when we call.

That's about all for now. I hope it is a good winter for you all.

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