Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A letter to my Dad.

Hi Dad.
I've been thinking about you quite a bit lately. I really miss you when big things happen. Isuppose you already know we've decided to sell the lumber yard. I hope you don't mind too much. When we were deciding, Dennis asked "What do you think John and Dick would do? I said "I don't know about Dick, but you would really buckle down and somehow save the place.". I also said that I don't have the guts for that.

Well we now have a verbal agreement to sell it. We saved it from sure ruin. The company we are selling it to is a good company. They are a family owned small chain from Indiana. It really is a perfect fit. I wish we had the skill and fearless spirit you and Dick had, but we don't.

Thanks for setting everything up for us. We tried, but this recession has been such a long one, we just couldn't make it through. To be honest, I'm relieved it's almost over. Failing is really hard to accept. Now maybe I can do something positive and self fulfilling.

I'm really sorry Dad.

I love you and respect you more than ever, even though you have been gone for a while. You were the biggest man I have ever known.

Love Bill

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Yes, It's True.

After 87 years (three generations) of the Lutterbein family operating a business at 444 N. Michigan Ave. in Edgerton Ohio, the last Lutterbein living in Edgerton has decided (along with the board of directors of Building Concepts, Inc.) it's time to sell the business and try something different.

We have just begun to activly market to sell Lutterbein Lumber Company.  As most people know the building industry has been hit hard by the current recession.  There are a number of things that I could site as problems, but you don't want to hear any of them.  Let it be said that if things were better, we wouldn't be doing this.

I just hope we can find a good buyer so there can be a quality lumber / hardware store in Edgerton.  I love Edgerton and the people in Edgerton.  I hope you will continue to support us during this time of transition and if I can find a buyer, I hope you will support them as well.  Thanks!  Bill Lutterbein

Monday, November 07, 2011