Friday, October 29, 2010

Readers Respond: Baseball and business - Home Channel News

Readers Respond: Baseball and business - Home Channel News

This is an interesting little story where some lumber dealers described their business in baseball terms.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

New blog

Hi.  I started a new blog for my church.  We've been talking about it for two years or more and no one would make a decision, so I did one on my own.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

NPR fires Juan Williams over anti-Muslim remarks

NPR fires Juan Williams over anti-Muslim remarks

My letter to NPR

I am very disappointed about the firing of Juan Williams. Can't a man just answer a question honestly. What is wrong with have a real fear. That fear doesn't make him a racist or anti Muslim. It's just a real fear he developed by listening and watching the news day after day. I would bet the vast majority of Americans have the same feeling deep inside. "I wonder if......." feeling. The fact that Juan doesn't walk in lockstep with your narrow politically correct views shouldn't get him fired.... unless you would prefer only people of one opinion listen to your radio programing. I like a lot of what NPR does, but this is just wrong. I have a lot of conservative friends that chide me for listening to public radio because it's too liberal and I always have told them it's not that bad and there is a lot of interesting things on it. Now.... I'm thinking maybe if you are firing people for expressing their true feelings than maybe my friends are right. This firing will no doubt keep other voices on your station from being honest and human because they will be afraid of getting fired. As of today I will have to start my own boycott of NPR and not support public radio as I have done in the past. Your loss, my loss. I hope you are happy.