Thoughts, ideas, things on my mind. From the mind of a small town man who grew up in Northwest Ohio and now lives in Visalia, CA. Concerns and observations of our ever changing world. Whatever pops into my mind.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas All
Good Morning and Merry Christmas,
Here it is Christmas Eve morning. I haven't sent a single card out .....again this year. I'm at work with a nice cup of coffee thinking about Christmas and friends and relatives....reflecting on the past year. I was thinking how good my life has been this past year, despite another miserable year in the building industry. I have hope and faith that the business will come back soon.
My family and I are blessed for knowing and interacting with all you you. As all of you know Christmas is about the birth of Christ. And we all know all the miracles and the teachings of Christ, but there is another really good aspect of Christmas. That is being able to sit down and reflect. To me Christmas is not only a time to praise God, but a time to give thanks for all the blessings God has given us.
It can be a sad time too because of the loved ones we lost this last year and earlier, but because of our faith, we know they are with Jesus in heaven looking over us with warmth and love. We miss their presence, but we must remember them, for they are still here in us and our family. We look at family members and see traits or actions that remind us of our loved one. Be happy, remember fondly.
So on this Christmas Eve, I wish you Peace, Joy, Love and Understanding.
God Bless You,
Bill Lutterbein
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
China Plays Tug-of-War With U.S. Inspectors Over Drywall - ProPublica
China Plays Tug-of-War With U.S. Inspectors Over Drywall - ProPublica
This drywall wasn't sold in our area, but is a big problem in some parts of the US. What's the lesson to be learned? The cheapest item can rarely do the job it was purchased to do and we have little control over imported items. Buyer beware!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Readers Respond: Baseball and business - Home Channel News
Readers Respond: Baseball and business - Home Channel News
This is an interesting little story where some lumber dealers described their business in baseball terms.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
New blog
Hi. I started a new blog for my church. We've been talking about it for two years or more and no one would make a decision, so I did one on my own.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
NPR fires Juan Williams over anti-Muslim remarks
NPR fires Juan Williams over anti-Muslim remarks
My letter to NPR
I am very disappointed about the firing of Juan Williams. Can't a man just answer a question honestly. What is wrong with have a real fear. That fear doesn't make him a racist or anti Muslim. It's just a real fear he developed by listening and watching the news day after day. I would bet the vast majority of Americans have the same feeling deep inside. "I wonder if......." feeling. The fact that Juan doesn't walk in lockstep with your narrow politically correct views shouldn't get him fired.... unless you would prefer only people of one opinion listen to your radio programing. I like a lot of what NPR does, but this is just wrong. I have a lot of conservative friends that chide me for listening to public radio because it's too liberal and I always have told them it's not that bad and there is a lot of interesting things on it. Now.... I'm thinking maybe if you are firing people for expressing their true feelings than maybe my friends are right. This firing will no doubt keep other voices on your station from being honest and human because they will be afraid of getting fired. As of today I will have to start my own boycott of NPR and not support public radio as I have done in the past. Your loss, my loss. I hope you are happy.
Friday, October 08, 2010
Johnny Depp Counsels London Schoolchildren About Proper Mutiny Etiquette
Johnny Depp Counsels London Schoolchildren About Proper Mutiny Etiquette
That kid's eyes must have popped out of her head.
How cool is Johnny Depp?
Thursday, September 23, 2010
LBM Facilities Closed or Mothballed, January 2008 to Present
PROSALES Online: news, trends and sound business advice for America's pro-focused building materials dealers.
This is a sad statement on the economy and jobs. While the government says it is creating or saving jobs, it doen't appear to be the case in the home building arena. Most of the stimulus construction jobs were for highways and bridges. Lumberyards and home centers see none of that money. The people who benefit most are the big union contractors who are making $30 to $80 per hours plus benefits. This hardly helps the people beating their brains out making $8 to $14 per hour working at the local lumber yard or big box store.
Help from the government is a fairy tale. Federal Government...... quit spending my money on help I will never see. The unions that "serve" the construction industry have millions of dollars and can help their own. They don't need my money, so quit making work for them.
This is a sad statement on the economy and jobs. While the government says it is creating or saving jobs, it doen't appear to be the case in the home building arena. Most of the stimulus construction jobs were for highways and bridges. Lumberyards and home centers see none of that money. The people who benefit most are the big union contractors who are making $30 to $80 per hours plus benefits. This hardly helps the people beating their brains out making $8 to $14 per hour working at the local lumber yard or big box store.
Help from the government is a fairy tale. Federal Government...... quit spending my money on help I will never see. The unions that "serve" the construction industry have millions of dollars and can help their own. They don't need my money, so quit making work for them.
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Weather Kills in Edgerton
Another weather disaster happened in Edgerton. This time a man was killed. This place is getting scary.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
The Burky Family Reunion, 2010

The Burky Family Reunion, 2010
Family reunions have always been fun for me. Growing up in the 1950’s and 1960’s, we would go the Rowe reunion at my Uncle Wayne’s farm near Van Wert Ohio. The land was flat as a table top and my relatives were, well pretty straight laced and pretty boring as well. It seems we all had to behave the way we thought others wanted us to. It was still nice seeing our cousins, but it wasn’t much fun because I had to be someone else for those few hours each year.
Flash forward to 1977. I married Diana Snyder, the daughter of Irene “Burky” Snyder and Clair Snyder. Irene was the oldest child of the Helvetia Burky family. Her brothers and sisters were Norman, Vernon, Herb, Ed, and Alice.
Since joining the Burky family I have been to a lot of Burky family reunions and I can say that the Burky family is the most welcoming bunch of people I have ever met. You can be yourself with the Burkys. I love the Burky family! Some of them call me the flatlander. (Where I live I can drive 10 miles to the next town and not have a single curve in the road and the tallest hill may be a 30 feet elevation change.)
The 2010 Burky reunion was held at Sandy’s house, just outside of Pickens. Sandy is Vernon’s daughter. She has obviously inherited the welcoming Burky gene. Diana and I were the first to arrive Friday afternoon at Sandy’s house and were greeted by the pony that barks (a very nice Great Dane). As others arrived, so did the food and musical instruments. Before the evening was over everyone was full of food, had listened to stories and had enjoyed Swiss and blue grass music.
On Saturday several of us went up to Turkey Bone, the old Burky place. We visited the old Burky graveyard. It was very picturesque. It is a small area with tall pine trees planted in a circle around the graves. Vernon pointed out where the house stood and where the old driveway went. There was not much left up there except for the graveyard and the beauty of nature.
Saturday evening was much like Friday evening, except more people. Many of them were town people bringing instruments to play for just the fun of it. There was more food, drink, stories, jokes, music, yodeling, and just plain good times. Have I mentioned that I love the Burky family?
On Sunday morning many of us went to the small church in Helvetia. I don’t know why, but this is always one of the highlights of my annual trip. I think the majesty of God’s beautiful creation in the Helvetia and Pickens area just need to be lifted up to God and given thanks for. This area makes me think of the old hymns “How Great Thou Art” and “For the Beauty of the Earth”.
Sunday noon was another food fest with another potluck and a lot of leftovers. This is where we all say our goodbyes and compare highlights of the weekend.
Lately we have been experiencing the circle of life in the Burky family. Over the years we have seen the passing of Herb, Hazel, Eddie, Roger and more recently Gwen and Norman. It was sad this year because Vernon was the only one of his generation attending. Alice and Irene didn’t come since they had just traveled to WV for Norman’s funeral. But here comes the circle, last year on our way home Diana and I had news that our first grandson was born and this year on Saturday Mike and Marquita had news that their first granddaughter was born. Hopefully sometime soon this new generation of Burky descendants will be attending the reunion and enjoying the hospitality of their ancestry. Did I mention that I love the Burky family?
Bill Lutterbein
Favorite son-in-law of Irene “Burky” Snyder
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Changing Tune, Administration Defends Insurance Mandate as a Tax -
Changing Tune, Administration Defends Insurance Mandate as a Tax -
So......Mr. President, IT IS A TAX!!!!!!!! Most of us knew that from the beginning and we didn't need a court to tell us so. Once again he is treating us like we are stupid and cannot figure things out for ourselves. Call an rotten apple a rotten apple; don't call it a plum.
So......Mr. President, IT IS A TAX!!!!!!!! Most of us knew that from the beginning and we didn't need a court to tell us so. Once again he is treating us like we are stupid and cannot figure things out for ourselves. Call an rotten apple a rotten apple; don't call it a plum.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
2010.07.07.1st BDay At Edgerto .01.MPG
Otis's first 1st Birthday. His real B.Day is July 19th. Enjoy.
Grandma Bein reading to Otis
Grandma Bein reading to Otis. The joke with Erica was......He stepped in a large pile of Sh**. Sorry, Couldn't help myself.
Friday, July 02, 2010
Rotatian of the year............
I checked....I've now been in the Edgerton Rotary longer than any other living person with the exception of Roger Strup. I'm a freeking old timer now!!!
Being Rotarian of the year is sort of like the monkey and the type writer. Give a monkey a type writer and sooner or later it will type a word. I've been in so long it's scary. I looked it up; 30 years on July 1st. I've been president twice, Rotarian of the year 3 times, I'm a double Paul Harris Fellow and have been on the board for at least twenty of those 30 years. Well, anyway, I'm glad to have the award and I do work hard for Rotary. I've been blessed by the grace of God and this is just a very small pay back of those blessings. It's my belief that you are not a whole person unless you do something (no matter how small) to help others. Rotary and church are my outlets.
Being Rotarian of the year is sort of like the monkey and the type writer. Give a monkey a type writer and sooner or later it will type a word. I've been in so long it's scary. I looked it up; 30 years on July 1st. I've been president twice, Rotarian of the year 3 times, I'm a double Paul Harris Fellow and have been on the board for at least twenty of those 30 years. Well, anyway, I'm glad to have the award and I do work hard for Rotary. I've been blessed by the grace of God and this is just a very small pay back of those blessings. It's my belief that you are not a whole person unless you do something (no matter how small) to help others. Rotary and church are my outlets.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Saturday, June 05, 2010
British Petroleum Visionaries (comic)
British Petroleum Visionaries (comic)
I'm usually pro business, but this is getting ridiculous. Didn't they ever suspect this could happen one day? There should have been a plan all ready for such a disaster. It looks as if it's just hit or miss. They keep trying things that don't work as if this is the first day on the job. Come on already.....Get it fixed!!!
I'm usually pro business, but this is getting ridiculous. Didn't they ever suspect this could happen one day? There should have been a plan all ready for such a disaster. It looks as if it's just hit or miss. They keep trying things that don't work as if this is the first day on the job. Come on already.....Get it fixed!!!
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
What Does The Crystal Ball Say?
Have you ever wished you had a crystal ball so you would know how to plan things. If I had a crystal ball I could save my customers and my company all kinds time, trouble and money. Just think if we could find out if it is going to rain next Thursday or what the price of OSB will be in 6 months. Wouldn’t that be great! What if we knew in advance about the stock market crash of a few years ago or what if we knew about the recession before it happened; I think we all would have done things differently!
The fact is, we don’t have a crystal ball; they don't really exist. So what’s your point Bill???? My point is we have to just do our best and remember what has happened in the past. History is actually our crystal ball, however it is not accurate as a real crystal ball. So…When customers ask me if this is a good time to build, I always say “Now is the best time to build”. This I know for certain…If you wait till everything is perfect, you’ll never build. Bill Lutterbein
The fact is, we don’t have a crystal ball; they don't really exist. So what’s your point Bill???? My point is we have to just do our best and remember what has happened in the past. History is actually our crystal ball, however it is not accurate as a real crystal ball. So…When customers ask me if this is a good time to build, I always say “Now is the best time to build”. This I know for certain…If you wait till everything is perfect, you’ll never build. Bill Lutterbein
Sunday, May 23, 2010
The Nursing Home Tangle

While driving around in circles today, mowing my lawn, I had to keep my brain moving; thinking of things, pondering, working out the tangles in my life.
My father-in-law (Clair S.)is in the nursing home now. He kept falling down at home and was confused a lot. My mother-in-law just can't safely care for him any more. It's been tough on everyone and sometimes you just want to say to him.....Get used to it! Quit fighting and fusing! Quit making your wife and daughter feel guilty! But then I was thinking, my dad was the same way. I used to get so mad at him, thinking he was selfish.
Then, driving around in those grassy circles it hit me. Aha! Why should Clair (or my dad when he was alive) change just because they moved? What, you might say..... they have changed... they are not doing what they should do.... they are not co-operating....they are not surrendering!
Who was the leader of the family? Who protected our mothers and their children? Have those men changed? Do I want them to surrender? The answer is NO! And in a way I'm glad they haven't (not all the way anyway). I found myself thinking how disappointed I'd be if they didn't fight the change and how I feel kind of proud that Clair tries to escape from that nursing home. That tells me most of his brain is still working....He hasn't lost what I've always respected and loved about him. He still has drive and purpose in his life! He still wants to be the man.
Go for it Clair! Find a way to frustrate those people out there! And Dad, I'm sorry I didn't understand when you were fighting your battle. I love you.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Stay out of my business Sam!
Protect me from foreign invaders, build highways and bridges, keep an eye on the food supply, regulate health care if you must, BUT don't even pretend you know anything about what is good for my business. I'm still in business in spite of the government, not because of it. Click on the title above.
"More evidence that those shaping our current economic policy are completely out of touch with the realities of owning and growing a small business."
"More evidence that those shaping our current economic policy are completely out of touch with the realities of owning and growing a small business."
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