Thoughts, ideas, things on my mind. From the mind of a small town man who grew up in Northwest Ohio and now lives in Visalia, CA. Concerns and observations of our ever changing world. Whatever pops into my mind.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
JWL Died 9.15.2008
Dad had two brothers, Dick and Ed and one sister, Marion. They were raised in Hicksville and Edgerton by their parents, Ben and Alma Lutterbein. Ben and Alma purchased a business at the current Lutterbein Lumber Company site in 1924. John and Dick came back to work the family business after the army and college. Over the last 84 years that company grew and evolved into what is now Building Concepts, Inc.
Dad had a passion for that family business and never stopped thinking about it. The last three years when he was in assisted living struggling with Parkinson's disease he would always want to talk business when I visited. He never thought of himself; only how Mom was, or how Dick was or how can I help you Bill or is the money coming in o.k.?
Dad did everything 100% and could do anything he put his mind to. He and Mom both got their pilots license the year they turned 60. What a team they made. It was obvious to us kids that they loved each other very much. Not only did they raise four children, they had exchange students from Yugoslavia, Japan and New Zealand.
When we were planning the funeral, my sister Ruth remembered Dad had a favorite Bible verse. It was in the book of Micah 6:8. It pretty well described my Dad. "And what does the LORD require of you, but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" Dad was a humble, but proud man, he was kind and compassionate, and he taught my sisters and me what is right and just.
Well, life goes on, the sun continues to shine, the crops will grow, babies are born and people die. We are all on earth for a short time, my Dad did his best. Our family greatly appreciates all the cards, memorials, kind words, support and prayers we have received. I miss my father, my business partner, my advisor, my hero, and my friend.
Sincerely, Bill Lutterbein
Click on the Title to see pictures of John.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Edgerton Rotary Picnic, 2008
Saturday August 23, 2008
The Edgerton Rotary Club had there annual picnic today at Dick's cottage at Pleasant Lake. This year was especially fun because we had three families with small children to entertain the rest of us old people. Another thing that made it special is that Denise received her Paul Harris award by Kandace, our current president.
The boat rides, the Segway attempts, the food and the fellowship made this a special day. Thanks to Dick and Fran for hosting it and thanks to the board for planning.
Click on the title above to see more pictures.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Burky Reunion 2008

Hello Friends,
The Burky Reunion happened again and was still fun and worth the 894 mile round trip to Helvetia, West Virginia. We took our 86 year old in-laws and had a nice time at the same time. We are happy for their good health.
We left Edgerton on Friday at 7:45 a.m. and arrived at Helvetia, WV around 6:15 that evening. We spent about two hours in Athens Ohio for lunch and a visit to The Donkey coffee shop. The owners were in Cosigner with our son-in-law while he was at OU. Then of course we had to buy a couple of Ohio University tee shirts.
When we got to Helvetia, we couldn't find anyone we knew, so we went searching for Sandy's house by memory from last year and low and behold, we found it first try. Luckily, we drove our little SUV because I would not have tried to drive a car up the steep and rocky driveway. When we got there the fun was happening and dinner was just about ready. Good timing. Great food, some local home made wine made things nearly perfect. We got back to Grandpa Johns around 11:00 p.m.
Saturday we slept in and the had lunch at Norman's cabin. That afternoon we mostly sat around under the trees and talked about the past and what happened to us this last year. These are wonderful times. Old and not so old communicating and relaxing.
Saturday night we went to the Helvetia town hall for a potluck and local music. See an example in the film clip. We call the banjo player BanJovi. He loves to play and has only been playing around 5 years. He is a kidder, so he gets kidded a lot back. Uncle Vernon, the fiddle player has been playing there for 60 plus years. The other two are newer, but both very good musicians. Food, fun, music, love, respect, and acceptance. West Virginia is almost heaven at least for a few days each year.
Sunday we went to the little wood frame country church and praised God for our good fortune and worshiped with friends and family. I might add I knew all three hymns and enjoyed singing out the base part.
After Church, we went back to Grandpa Johns, packed everything up and went to Alvan's house for another potlock and pictures. After that we headed back northwest towards Ohio.
More later
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Mom & Dad's 60th Anniversary
Saturday we had a party for Mom and Dad's 60th wedding anniversary. Mom is in good health; Dad is suffering with Parkinson's disease. The highlight of the day was John and his high school classmate and fellow high school chorus member singing "Bill Grogan's Goat". Bob has been blessed with good health and shares his blessings with people like Dad. He and Dad have been friends for nearly 80 years.
Our party was only an hour and Mom and Dad got 45 cards. A large crowd of friends and reatives visited them for that hour. My sisters and wife did most of the work and the nursing home staff was fabulous. It was a nice day. Thanks to all who helped and attended. God continues to bless us with love.
Friday, January 18, 2008
And Life Goes On
My in-laws are in their mid 80's now and are in pretty good health. Clair, my father-in -law, had a spell in church the Sunday before Christmas. He passed out for a couple of minutes. We later found it to be caused by his heart medicine. His heart needs to be slowed and it slowed too much. All the Dr. had to do was adjust the quantity of medicine he was taking.
We have been talking to the in-laws for a few years about moving to our town so we could be there in case they need some help. They are finally thinking about it now. The only problem is since the housing market is down so low in Ohio, their house isn't worth what it was a few years ago. Now they would like to sell it and buy a new condo on our street. They were all excited about it until they had their house appraised. The condo price is 25% more than the appraised value of their house. Now what?
We are going to visit them tomorrow and Sunday to talk to them. I don't want to pressure them into something they may not want, but my wife is an only child. Does anyone have any advice for them?
It will all work out I'm sure. I think they can afford it, but I have no idea about their finances. People from that era are very private about money and that is good most of the time. It's really none of my business, but yet it's all of my business. It's hard to advise them, not knowing anything about their finances.
We'll talk things over and life goes on.