I just got back from Springfield Ohio on a visit to my sister. I found out that every summer The Springfield Arts Council puts on free concerts in the summer is a very nice park. The park has a nice new covered stage right up against a 30 foot tall limestone cliff. People set up lawn chairs in the grass in front of the stage and leisurely sit and listen to the music. Last night the venue was Blue Grass. J.D. Crowe was the headliner with lesser known local musicians playing most of the rest of the time. What a great show it was!
There were concessions and a few crafts, but not real commercialized. My sister set up her chairs at noon and just left them. When we got there at 7:30 p.m. they were still there just waiting for us to use them. Great seats for the free concert! Don't you just love America! The arts council did pass the hat, but weren't pushy about it. The friendly way they asked actually made me want to give a little more.
Congratulations Springfield, Ohio! You made my weekend absolutely fabulous!
Thank you RF for inviting us.